16 Perks That Are Better Than Pay Raises

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Salary is important: If your employees don’t make enough to pay the rent, they’ll be looking for other opportunities in no time.

But it might not be the most important form of compensation. According to Glassdoor’s employment confidence survey from Q3 of last year, the overwhelming majority of employees – 79 percent – would prefer new and better perks and benefits over a pay raise. That number is even higher for younger workers: 89 percent of those aged 18-34 and 84 percent of those aged 35-44 value perks and benefits over paychecks. The majority of older workers agree – just not in such high numbers.

Specifically want kind of perks and benefits do employees want? The folks at SnackNation, which aims to provide healthy snacks to workplaces, used Glassdoor’s survey to create an infographi c that outlines 16 perks that employees want more than they want higher salaries. Check it out below if you need some ideas about how to make your employees happier at work – and thus more likely to perform at higher levels and stick around for longer:

Employee perks 

By Matthew Kosinski