4 Ways to Include Your Tribe in the Hiring Process

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Recruiters and HR managers have the important job of building and maintaining well-oiled company cultures. As your organization grows, you’ll need to add new members who will complement the vibe of your tribe. I know this can seem overwhelming. Luckily, you won’t have to carry the responsibility alone. Your tribe can be your greatest hiring asset.

In my career, I’ve learned that the key to successful hiring is finding people who will fit into the company culture. Hiring for culture fit will lead to a cohesive, well-functioning tribe working hard toward a common goal, so it’s important to involve your existing tribe members when it’s time to hire. Bringing your tribe into the hiring process isn’t just about helping you shoulder the load; their participation can help reduce employee turnover and ensure that new hires hit the ground running.

It makes sense if you think about it: The members of your existing tribe are experts in your company culture, values, and vision. They are authorities on what it is like to work for your organization and what it takes to succeed.

Here are four ways your tribe can help during the hiring process:

1. Writing a Culture-Fit Job Description

Bring in a few key players from your existing tribe to craft a job description that will attract the ideal candidate. Remember to keep it positive and make sure it describes your company accurately and incorporates your core values. Here’s an example:

Are you the type of person who wants to work in a high functioning, fun, successful office? Are you a high-energy, trustworthy individual who always has your customers’ and coworkers’ best interests at heart? Will you go the extra mile for your team and clients? Do you work hard and play even harder, staying positive in all situations? Are you open to new ideas? Do you love to learn? If this describes you, we encourage you to apply.

When you enlist your tribe’s help in writing the job description, you improve the odds that applicants will be a great fit with your existing team. This is your opportunity to attract the right people for your culture and repel those who are not a good fit.

Including your tribe in the hiring process will also let them know their opinion is valuable. Developing this trust will go a long way.

card2. Conducting a Team Interview

Even a great manager who fully understands company policies and culture can only give a preview of your tribe in a traditional one-on-one, closed-door interview. Instead of going that route, consider setting up a group interview that includes key team members. That way, the tribe gets a chance to weigh in, and applicants get a more complete picture of their prospective workplace.

Ask the tribe to prepare questions ahead of time that will probe the potential new hire’s fit for your company culture. The candidate’s answers will give valuable information about their core values, workplace culture preferences, and personality traits, in addition to their professional skills. Ask about their last job and the challenges they faced. What would their last manager say about them? Find out if they have a sense of humor. Even more importantly, find out if they have a sense of purpose!

3. Making Recommendations and Following Up

After you and your team conduct a group interview, gather with your tribe to get their feedback. Talk about your core values and culture and how the potential employee would fit. If everyone agrees, it’s almost time to make an offer. But as the hiring manager, it’s important to use your tribal knowledge to ensure the best fit.

Follow up with the candidate to offer once again an honest account of the type of workplace you run. Make sure that they fully understand your expectations and ensure that their values mesh with your team’s. If they align, congratulations! It’s time to make an offer.

4. Onboarding the New Hire

Once the candidate accepts your offer and is ready to begin work, make sure you bring your tribe in for the final phase: onboarding. As experts on your company culture, your tribe is in the best position to properly onboard a new team member.

Select team members to help new hires learn expectations around scheduling, ethics, dress codes, and other orientation topics. Ask the team to let you know how the new hire is doing and if there is anything else they need to make the transition successfully.

Serving customers and fulfilling the company mission is your top priority, and you know that a team succeeds as a group, with each member of the tribe doing their part. The hiring process is no different.

Since you’re expanding your tribe, it makes sense to let the tribe have its say. By working as a team, you’ll build a more effective, efficient tribe – and strengthen your unique company culture.

Tonya Lanthier is a registered dental hygienist and the CEO of DentalPost. 

By Tonya Lanthier