Job Search Got You Down? 15 Podcasts to Boost Resilience

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Looking for a job can be very stressful. Rarely does the first interview lead to a dream job offe r, and it can take weeks or even months to get results — but it is important to be resilient and keep going.

Your attitude toward finding a job can not only impact how you come across in interviews, but it can also affect your tone in cover letters, applications, and emails. That’s why it is important to keep your chin up, even when the times are tough.

There are many ways people perk themselves up and boost their resilience in times of hardship, with one increasingly popular option being podcasts. Listening to podcasts can be the perfect way to wind down after a long day of applying to jobs or going to interviews.

Hearing other people recount their success stories and their struggles can help bolster your resolve and inspire you to spring back from difficulties. There are also plenty of podcasts that can give you actionable advice you can apply directly to your job search.

So, which podcasts can you turn to when you find yourself falling into a job-search rut? To get started, Fundera has compiled a list of 15 podcasts that help boost resilience. Check it out below:

15-podcasts-on-resilience-V4 (1)

By Meredith Wood