Next-Level Job Search: 6 Great Tech Tools for Job Seekers
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Today’s Question: We talk a lot about awesome tech tools that recruiters and HR pros can use to source, screen, and hire candidates – but what about the job seekers? Are there any awesome tech tools out there that job seekers can use to make the job hunt easier and/or more efficient? Share your favorite tech tools for job seekers, and tell us why they’re great!
1. LearnUp
LearnUp is a platform built for entry-level job seekers. It provides job-specific preparation and training that helps applicants master their interviews – even if they’ve never had a job before. LearnUp also provides personalized job coaching to assist and guide applicants through the entire hiring process. Our data shows that when workers are provided this training opportunity, they triple their chances of employment.
Many companies are using applicant tracking systems to filter out job seekers who don’t meet their criteria. Given that your resume is the only item up for digital review, what you write on it will often make or break your chances.
Using the same technology that ATSs are built on, analyzes any job description keywords against your resume and tells you what is missing. It even breaks them up into hard and soft skills, matching not just the existence of a keyword but also the number of occurrences for each one. Knowing these keywords allows you to optimize your resume with the right number and type of keywords and ensures you rank high in any applicant tracking system.
One tool that I always recommend when someone is looking for a job is a Google Chrome extension called Page Monitor. It’s not made specifically for job seekers, but it alerts you every time something changes on any website, so you can add some of your favorite companies and get notifications when they add new roles. It’s a perfect way to monitor job boards so you don’t need to keep going back to the same page over and over again.
SnapDat is an application for creating and exchanging business cards via your iPhone. You can also easily save contact information to your address book directly through the app.
I recently discovered As a job seeker, you basically input your wish list (what want to earn, if you want to relocate, etc.),and then you get approached by companies looking for people like you. Pretty cool concept.
You can think of JibberJobber as a [customer relationship management platform] for job seekers – or what some recruiters call a “reverse ATS.” Job seekers can use it to organize and track their networking efforts, conversations, follow-up, target companies, etc.