The Top Interview Questions Candidates Have Asked 8 Business Leaders

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Welcome to Recruiter Q&A, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers!

Today’s Question: What’s one of the best questions a candidate has ever asked you during an interview, and why was it such a great question for them to ask?

These answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization composed of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of opportunities in the job market.

1. “What Could I Have Done Better in This Interview?”

Asking this question serves two purposes. First, it identifies the asker as someone who values feedback and is more likely to have a growth mindset — two things that we look for in a member of our team. Second, if answered honestly, it enables that interviewee to correct any mistakes they might have made in their subsequent interviews. — Colin Darretta, Innovation Department 

2. “Are You Working on Any Special Projects That Would Offer Me Future Growth?”

A question that stood out to me is: “Are there any special projects your company is working on that would present opportunities for future growth?” This is a simple yes or no question, but as a  leader, it gave me some food for thought on what the candidate was really looking for: a promising future. All companies should be working on projects for future growth alongside what they already do. — John Rampton, Calendar 

3. “How Will My Success Be Measured in the Next Six Months?”

One of the best questions a candidate can ask is, “How will my success be measured for this role in the next six months?” That’s because it shows the candidate is goal-oriented and hungry for success. It also gives them a clear understanding of what the key performance indicators are for that role and how they can live up to those goals and thrive in the company. — Michelle Aran, Velvet Caviar 

4. “What’s the Best Possible Version of This Role I’m Doing?”

This question tells me I’m dealing with somebody who has some vision. I like to see ambition because it means a willingness to grow and perform at a high level. This question also gives us a chance to get on the same page about expectations for the role. It’s a great way to clarify what to do. — Tyler Bray, TK Trailer Parts 

5. “What Challenges Have Past Employees Faced in This Job?”

A great question a candidate asked me was, “What challenges have past employees faced in this job?” Not only did this show the candidate’s desire to see if they were a good fit for the job and what a workday could entail, but it also made me think twice about what gaps the new hire needed to fill. — Benjamin Rojas, All in One SEO 

6. “Why Did You Choose Those Values?”

Our law firm values integrity, efficiency, compassion and tenacity. The candidate asking the “why” behind our values indicated their genuine curiosity about what the foundation of our company is based on. We like to work with people who are curious not just at work, but with life and how things operate as well. It’s an indication of a lifelong learner. — Givelle Lamano, Lamano Law Office 

7. “What Are the Most Immediate Projects That Need to Be Addressed?”

One of the best questions I’ve heard is, “What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?” This was incredibly impressive to me because it showed that the individual was already familiar with the company and in a problem-solving mindset. I appreciated that they were already investing themselves in the challenges and needs of the company and considering what they had to offer. — Blair Thomas, eMerchantBroker 

8. “What’s Your Favorite Part of Running the Business?”

If a candidate asks what my favorite part of running the business is, I find that to be insightful because it shows the candidate is truly interested in me as a person and my management style, and it helps build rapport. It also makes the conversation less awkward, and it doesn’t feel like I’m having a one-sided conversation. — Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC 

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