Bersin by Deloitte Predicts the Need to “Re-Engineer” the Workplace for Talent

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need to reengineer the workplace for talent Among the top predictions for 2015 from Bersin by Deloitte’s Predictions for 2015: Redesigning the Organization for a Rapidly Changing World is that employers will be challenged to re-engineer the workplace, rethink jobs and reshape the ways they attract, engage and manage people.

The report includes 10 predictions that highlight the changes underway in the workplace. In addition to predicting that companies will focus on global leadership development, engagement and culture, directions for 2015 include:

  • The redesign of performance management will likely continue. A more agile, transparent model for feedback is emerging as many people working in teams, and new social tools let people share goals, recognition and work-related information in a transparent way.
  • As more technology floods the workplace, HR should take a look at the entire work environment. Among potential solutions to consider are systems that reduce commute time and allow people to choose when and where they work.
  • Corporate learning takes on increasing importance. Availability of high-quality, low-cost content from massive open online courses, learning management systems that provide learning recommendations and smart learning paths for employees, and mobile learning applications, will drastically increase.
  • Invest, refocus, and redesign talent acquisition, leveraging network recruiting, brand reach, and new technologies. Organizations should also market their mission, purpose, leadership team, and work experience.
  • Organizations should bring together the reporting and analytics teams in recruiting, compensation, engagement, learning and leadership, and assembling a plan to evaluate the workforce with a holistic data perspective.
  • Revisit HR technology plans, reduce core vendors, and look for new solutions that drive high levels of value. Look for vendors that are making a major investment in mobile applications and mobile HR applications. Also seek vendors that have a plan and program to deliver embedded analytics.
  • Review and redesign roles and structure of HR teams and invest in HR professional development.

By Joshua Bjerke