Despite Diversity Efforts, Young Women Still Face Challenges at Work [Infographic]

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According to a new survey from 1,000 Dreams Fund (1DF), a national scholarship fund for American girls in high school and college, young women still face significant obstacles in their careers, despite recent high-profile efforts to push for diversity and equality in the workplace.

The survey, which was conducted by Toluna Quicksurveys and cosponsored by, found that 21 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 35 have experienced sexism in the workplace, and 20 percent have been the victims of workplace bullying.

For the 1,050 young women surveyed, age-based discrimination  may pose the most significant challenge: 77 percent said that “being too young” hurt their chances of getting an interview or landing a job.

Perhaps because of these difficulties, only 25 percent of the survey respondents said they were “very confident” in their interview skills.

The good news is that it appears these stumbling blocks have not prevented young women from pouring their energy into their passions in order to achieve meaningful career success. More than half (58 percent) of the young women surveyed said they chose their college majors in order to “follow their dreams” rather than for the money, and roughly a third (31 percent) said they’d like to become entrepreneurs and work for themselves at their own companies.

The survey was part of a larger series that 1,000 Dreams Fund will release this fall called #StateofTheGirl, which is aimed at uncovering the biggest challenges facing young women in the U.S. today. See the infographic below for more results from the survey:

Women in the Workplace - INFOGRAPHIC (1)

By Matthew Kosinski