Staffing Manager

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 What is a Staffing Manager?

Staffing managers are the human resources professionals responsible for every aspect of a company’s staffing needs, including recruiting, training, retaining and sometimes firing employees. Staffing managers must be recruiters when they find qualified applicants, but they must also be human resource managers because they handle hiring and employee retention. In staffing, it’s not enough to get the best talent into a company, you have to make sure that they stay in the job and become successful with the company.

Recruiting Techniques

Staffing managers use many of the same recruitment techniques as professional recruiters, but they only have one client: the company that hired them. Staffing professionals are responsible for managing company job application channels, seeking out new talent, screening applicants, interviewing candidates and hiring new employees. They have to maintain a large network of qualified candidates to fill positions. Staffing managers might also design and implement college recruitment initiatives or attend job fairs to find qualified job candidates.

Employee Retention Strategies

Staffing professionals also have to help companies keep new employees once they are hired. In order to keep employees, you have to design retention programs to improve employee satisfaction. To develop these programs, human resources managers need to discuss job satisfaction with employees, understand how incentives work and implement strategies to keep employees engaged.

Administrative Duties

In addition to recruitment and retention, corporate staffing managers have many other duties related to administrative work. These duties include writing and disseminating job descriptions, filling out hiring paperwork, keeping accurate records of all applicants and new hires, as well as creating training materials. Unfortunately, many staffing managers also have the unenviable duty of firing employees.

Becoming a Staffing Manager

Human resources professionals can begin their careers in many different ways. Getting a bachelor’s degree in business administration or human resources is a good start because it familiarizes students with the business processes and duties of the job. Staffing managers can also start out as recruiters. Starting off as a recruiter in a staffing agency, then in a recruitment firm, and then working for a company directly as a staffing professional is a common career path for corporate staffing managers.
