The Visual Guide to Starting Your New Job Off on the Right Foot

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It’s normal to be nervous before starting a new job. Will your coworkers like you? Will your boss be impressed? Will you quickly adjust to new policies and procedures, or will you accidentally follow your old job’s guidelines?

Instead of letting your imagination run away with itself, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. Remember: The company chose you for a reason. The hiring manager thinks you’ll be a good fit, and they want you to succeed.

If you need a little help figuring out exactly what to do in your first few weeks on the job, look no further than this handy visual guide from insurer Budget Direct. The infographic offers all kinds of useful advice on navigating your new job’s firsts, like your first team meeting, your first presentation, and your first performance review. Check it out in full below:

Instruction-Manual-for-your-First-Job (1)

By Matthew Kosinski