9 Extraordinary Tips that can Help Finance Recruiters Ace Hiring in 2022

The finance industry has experienced massive growth in the past few years, and new jobs appear in financial organizations day after day. When you have new positions, you need qualified and exceptional talent to fill them.
Since the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, there is an increasing need for finance recruiters to come up with new solutions to ace the recruitment process and attract talented active and passive accounting and finance professionals to their company.
This article highlights a few simple yet effective hiring tips that finance recruiters can leverage to optimize the hiring process at their organization and land the best finance candidates in 2022.
How Can Finance Recruiters Optimize Hiring in 2022?
According to research, the job market for the finance industry will continue to grow exponentially and will experience a growth of 10% by 2026. Therefore, the responsibility falls on finance recruiters to find the best financial professionals from the available pool.
Improving the Employer Branding
One of the best ways to ace the hiring process for finance recruiters is by investing in the employer’s brand, significantly improving how potential and suitable candidates perceive it. To achieve this, you can conduct thorough research on the brand perception and all the information that they want to know before considering joining your company. This way, you will be able to gauge how you can attract potential candidates and bring them to the table for negotiations.
As a financial recruiter, you also need to remember that your competition is with FinTech startups that have developed a more upbeat and livelier brand. Therefore, you need to find a suitable marketing strategy that maximizes your outreach to relevant candidates.
Matthew Jeffrey, Global Head of Sourcing and Employment Brand at SAP, says that “Recruitment is a form of marketing and recruiters must also think like marketers.”
Implementing Recruitment Marketing Strategies
When you are building your employer’s brand, you will also have to look for focused strategies that help you develop a pool of qualified and talented candidates, whether or not you have immediate hiring requirements. This enables you to build and apply recruitment marketing strategies that attract job applicants and find the right skill set your company requires.
To manage this, you will need to develop effective methods to communicate with potential candidates. You can do so through valuable digital content and captivating recruitment campaigns, which would keep them engaged and compel them to learn more about the employer brand. In this regard, you can also use digital marketing tools to ensure that your positions land in front of the right professionals.
Apart from this, you can also focus on creating a profile for your ideal candidates, and this would help you identify the skills and capabilities you need to look for in screened candidates.
Expanding Your Sourcing Strategy
To find the best professionals for the financial and FinTech industry, finance recruiters need to activate all channels and expand their sourcing strategy. You can start by displaying ads for the vacant positions on various platforms, including social media and online job portals. More than 70% of finance and accounting professionals have claimed to search online job portals for work frequently.
Some popular social media sites include Facebook and LinkedIn, while some of the best online job portals include Indeed, Glassdoor, and several others. Plus, you can also find job boards focused on the finance industry, like Recruiter.com’s career community. The more platforms you utilize for this purpose, the more outreach you can experience. You can also take your employer brand to job fairs and use recruiting software to reach a broader audience.
Focusing on Graduate Recruitment
The financial services industry hires the most entry-level candidates and graduates, so finance recruiters need to have a graduate recruitment strategy. This could be as simple as implementing a temp-to-hire program for college students to attain some business experience. This way, they can target fresh graduates looking to join the workforce. However, this strategy needs to be followed by methods for employee retention, or you might not be able to hold on to your new hires for a long time.
Successful finance recruiters not only hire new graduates but also work on developing and polishing their skills so that they can experience rapid career growth and help take your employer’s organization to the next level.
Emphasizing Inclusive Recruitment Practices
Although various industries have come around to diversity and inclusive hiring, the finance industry is late to the party. According to a recent PWC survey , less than 25% of participants know that their company is trying to include women and candidates from minority groups. It means that a lot of work still needs to be done to promote inclusion, and as a finance recruiter, you can help steer the company in the right direction.
Several financial companies have started recruiting more diverse candidates , and you can also focus on inclusive recruitment strategies to be an equal opportunity employer. You can do this in several ways, including rewording your ad copy to feature inclusive language. Moreover, you can implement blind hiring principles, which involve conducting the hiring process by concealing the candidate’s name, gender, religion, or other details that may cause bias. This way, you will be able to hire top finance talent based on their qualifications, experience, and skills, not where they come from or how they look.
While you are working on implementing inclusive recruitment practices and methods, make sure that your potential candidates and other brands know about this. It would draw them closer to your brand and create a positive image for it.
Developing a Corporate Alumni Network
Several employees and professionals leave the company for several reasons, such as recession, inflation, or pay cuts. This often forces them into retirement, and they find it challenging to make their way back, even if they want to. You can leverage this opportunity and build a corporate alumni network with contacts of all former mid-career professionals, especially those who have left them amicably.
You can create a corporate alumni group on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other platforms and use it to communicate with former employees from time to time. By doing this, you will be able to make them feel valued, and if you think they can fill up a vacant position, you might be able to convince them to do so. This great idea helps finance recruiters place seasoned professionals in crucial roles.
Strengthening Your Employee Value Proposition
The employee value proposition, or EVP, refers to the benefits and offerings by employers in return for the skills and talents that a candidate brings to the organization. Finance recruiters can make the EVP more lucrative for potential candidates by integrating employee growth and inclusion. They can convince their potential candidates that they will experience valuable rapid growth if they join the organization.
Moreover, if you convince your potential candidates that inclusive hiring is a part of the hiring process, they will be more inclined to respond positively. You will also have to back your inclusivity and diversity initiatives by offering your employees the tools and resources they need for professional growth and development.
Using Multiple Communication Channels
We can’t emphasize this enough, but in the age of digital marketing and communication, you need to ensure that you utilize all available channels to approach top candidates for recruitment. Use email and social media as your primary tools since these are the most effective methods for reaching out to a larger audience, especially younger people.
Email marketing has proven to be a valuable tool for reaching out to professionals in the financial services sector. Even if you find a suitable candidate for a position, you can keep a line of communication open to the most talented candidates if another job or vacancy opens up soon.
Apart from email marketing, you should also develop communication channels through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among other platforms. A LinkedIn study revealed that nearly half of the professionals follow organizations from their industry on social media so that they can instantly find out about any newly vacant positions. If you are actively using your social media channels to fill your vacancies, you might get several responses in just a few minutes.
Building an Employee Referral Program
Another key strategy for financial recruiters is to start an employee referral program, which helps them find great candidates faster through the existing employees. Several companies use employee referrals as their primary strategy for getting new employees. Studies conducted in the previous years have also termed it one of the most effective ways to get younger candidates for a position.
You can also attach benefits and incentives to the employee referral program. You can reward the existing employees for recommending qualified candidates that match the open position’s requirements. This strategy is a great way to scout for talented finance professionals quickly, and it also helps you save time and money.
Start Recruiting Finance Professionals Today
Whether you’re hiring financial analysts, accountants, middle management, tax professionals, or more, you’ll need finance recruiters specializing in the industry.
Recruiter.com is a premier provider with an extensive network of on-demand recruiters who can aid your human resources team and find the best financial talent.
To know more about how finance recruiters can make the most of different tools, techniques, and technologies to optimize their recruitment strategy, contact us today at Recruiter.com .
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