Background Screening Methodology Critical for the Whole Team

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If the goal of finding a perfect job candidate is to find a new coworker, then be attentive to the way you check candidates’ qualifications.  It can really rub a job candidate the wrong way if she finds out after the fact that you were chatting at length with an obscure, previous coworker.  Similarly, it might perturb someone to know that one manner of background check was promised, but quite another kind was actually executed.

Sometimes workers are appalled to discover the real way that their background check was carried out, after they have already begun working at their new jobs.  A new white paper suggests that no matter how fabulous the training offered by a company, a sloppy background screening can have long-lasting, detrimental effects on a new employee.

EmployeeScreenIQ has announced its newest white paper called“Background Screening and the Candidate Experience” by Nick Fishman.

The new paper explains how background checks can directly impact the onboarding process and a company’s brand. Filled with valuable insights for employers and HR professionals, the article covers the importance of maintaining transparency with background screening practice,  choosing a screening firm that’s dedicated to best practices and compliance, and verifying negative information before it’s reported.

“Looking to the future, employers must prepare for a world where they once again have to compete for the best employees,” explains Fishman, chief marketing officer for EmployeeScreenIQ. “Background screening is a critical element of the recruitment, hiring and onboarding process. The consequences of misinformed applicants, poor communication, or mistaken results can be devastating to not only the candidate but also to an employer’s reputation.”

By Marie Larsen