Your Ultimate Guide to Social Recruiting Tactics

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Social recruiting has become a wonderful way to attract millennial talent. Many companies have found that their most-skilled prospects don’t utilize traditional job-searching technologies or methods anymore, and recruiters everywhere have been trying to creatively strategize alternative ways to attract these candidates. Social media has turned out to be a key to doing just that.

With that in mind, here are some excellent social recruiting strategies to help you find those elusive candidates you need:

1. Set Up Social Media Profiles for the CEO and Upper Managers

Prospective, well-educated millennial candidates hover around the top universities and the most influential leaders in their fields. This is why your company’s top executives and managers should maintain active social media accounts from which they post sophisticated articles relating to the industry and to the business world in general. Millennial talent will start to congregate around these leaders, and once you have built a following, you can start to post job announcements via social media and recruit candidates from among your C-suite’s followers.

2. Mine Your LinkedIn Connections

LinkedIn is a great resource because it allows you to use the connectivity and notoriety of your upper-level managers in order to build connections. You can either use the LinkedIn Recruiter tool or just have your company’s managers and executives post jobs from their accounts. This will allow you to directly access a very talented pool of applicants who are already interested in your company, eliminating the need to call in (and pay for) third-party recruiting services.

3. Befriend the Career Counselor

Don’t make the mistake of not investing in your local universities. There is great potential to attract both local and foreign applicants through these institutions. By working with the counselors at college career centers, you’ll be able to access a number of talented students who could one day become your employees.

The career counselors will likely know the students’ areas of focus and the kinds of positions they are looking for, so all you need to do is make sure you tailor your job announcements to their interests. Then, work with the career center to spread those announcements around via the school’s social media profiles.

4. Show Candidates What’s on the Inside

YouTube and Snapchat are excellent platforms for interacting with younger talent. Post videos of employees enjoying their jobs or spending a typical day at your workplace. This will inspire interest in your company and make it look more approachable. To increase your appeal even further, you can even advertise jobs through video announcements.

5. Get on Instagram

Instagram is a great way to share some lighthearted snaps that will generate interest and create a positive image of your company. Show the team at work or during breaks, emphasize the friendly atmosphere in the office, and make sure to showcase pictures from company get-togethers. That way, your potential candidates will know the company’s culture is an inviting one and that employees interact with one another outside of the office, forming friendships and building strong social relations.

Don’t forget to post a creative pic with an interesting job announcement every once in a while to let your followers know they can join the team!

Social media has entirely transformed the world of recruiting and hiring. If you want to make use of it, try these tricks and tips to get talented candidates paying attention. Reach out to talent directly while building a social media presence that draws them in, and your talent pool will start growing right before your eyes!

Sophia Mest is a content manager at BizDb.  Follow her on Twitter @MestSophia.

By Sophia Mest