Salary for First-Line Supervisors of All Other Tactical Operations Specialists
Also known as: Aerospace Control And Warning Systems Superintendent, Afloat Cryptologic Manager, Air Operations Manager, Aviation Resource Management Superintendent, Chief Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Sergeant, Combat Control Manager, Command Post Superintendent, Communication Signals Intelligence Superintendent, Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence, Senior Sergeant, Cryptologic Supervisor helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!
First-line supervisors of this type are the direct superiors of many armed forces positions. Their main duties include scheduling their subordinates, monitoring their subordinates' time while working, investigating and reporting injuries and conducting emergency precaution procedures. These positions usually require many years of previous military experience and seniority.A Other Tactical Operations Specialist First-Line Supervisor can get salaries in a range of $0 - $0 based on tenure and industry expertise. First-Line Supervisors of All Other Tactical Operations Specialists usually receive a salary of zero dollars yearly.
First-Line Supervisors of All Other Tactical Operations Specialists have the best average pay in , where they can earn a compensation of about $0. People working these jobs can make the highest salaries in , where they can get average job salaries of $0.