Salary for Prepress Technicians and Workers

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Also known as:  Digital Proofing and Platemaker, Electronic Pre-Press Technician, Photoengraver, Plate Mounter, Pre-Press Proofer, Prepress Stripper, Type Setter helps find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Sign up in our career community today!

Prepress technicians and workers proofread, edit and format work sent in by clients and designers. The work is then made into a finished page that can be printed or printing plates. Usually vocational training is needed to be considered for this position. An employer often requires up to two years of formal on-site job training after being hired for this job.

A Prepress Technician or Worker usually receives a compensation in a range of $26,760 and $63,890 depending on education and experience. will most likely receive a wage of fourty-three thousand three hundred and seventy dollars each year.

are compensated at the highest average salary in District of Columbia, where they get an average salary rate of about $89,260. People in this job function are paid most highly in Public Administration, where they receive normal pay levels of $71,650.

Are you an aspiring prepress technician or worker? Want a new opportunity where you can earn a higher salary? Join our prepress technician or worker Career Community today!

The national wage distribution is shown below. To overlay local salaries for a Prepress Technician or Worker, please select your state.
Annual salary
Hourly rate

Prepress Technicians and Workers tend to make the most in the following industries:

Public Administration
Other Services (except Public Administration)
Educational Services
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Management of Companies and Enterprises
Wholesale Trade

In general, they earn less within the industries below:

Administrative, Support and Waste Management Services
Health Care and Social Assistance
Transportation and Warehousing
Retail Trade
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